The Litigation Section of the State Bar of California announces the Fourteenth Annual Law Suits™ Statewide Clothing Drive. From June 22 to July 31, drop off your gently used business suits (men’s or women’s) at any Men’s Wearhouse® in California. Shirts, ties, belts, and shoes, in good condition, are also urgently needed. All clothing will be donated to Working Wardrobes for a New Start® and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping adults in crisis get back to work. You will receive a receipt for your donation and 50% off the regular price of all items on your next Men’s Wearhouse® purchase, excluding Exceptional Value and custom items, shoes, and clearance. Litigation Partner Norman J. Rodich is the founder and Chair of the Law Suits™ program. For more information about the program, please contact Mr. Rodich or go to http://litigation.calbar.ca.gov/Litigation/LawSuitsClothingDrive.aspx